Sunday, August 3, 2008


Last week we had spaghetti for dinner and Quincy loved it more than he usually does, only because we let him eat it with his hands. It was such a mess, but at least he had fun while getting some good nutrition in the process. Here are the results:

"Hey guys, do I have any on my face?"

"Mmmmm, finger licking good!"

"These noodles are hard to hold on to."


The Brewers said...

Your family is so cute! And Quincy is so handsome! I can't believe he will be a year old tomorrow! I still remember our good 'ole young women days... boy how time flies huh? It is good to hear from you! You have your own business? Wow!!! That is so neat!

Kati Howard said...

I know... we were totally in YW like.... last year. Now we're both mamas-- CRAZY! Your little girl is a cutie too.