Monday, September 1, 2008

Growing BIG!!

It's hard to believe that Quincy is now past 12 months. My once tiny and helpless little baby has grown so much. He is striving to reach Independence and testing us as parents. He loves to play games with us and we are surprised at how coordinated he's become. He loves to play hide and seek behind our couch with us and will walk back and forth, laughing when we 'find' him. He is learning to see the world in brand new ways, like upside down. He's also discovered climbing, though he hasn't perfected the skill yet. He is growing more each day, learning new things and practicing 'old' things. Quincy has most recently been practicing his running skills. He has increased his running speed significantly these past couple of weeks... and gave me a good workout yesterday in church.

Despite his tendency to become independant, there are still moments where he enjoys being close to mom and dad and doing things they do. He's quite the little helper. Here he's 'helping' by sweeping the sidewalk:

My work here is done mom.

Not only does Quincy enjoy 'helping' outside, he likes to lend a hand with the house work. Tyler seems to think it's funny when Quincy helps rearrange my shoes. Here he was caught in the act:

And what do you think he said when I caught him in the act? Oh mom, I was just going for a run and forgot my running shoes.

Never mind the fact that they don't match.

What a happy little helper. I can't believe how fast he's growing up.

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