Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The 'terrible twos' in the works....

I never thought as a mom, or parent, that I would succumb to having to buy my child something to shut him up................................... BUT with that being said I ALSO never thought I would let my kid have snot running down his face, let him out of the house in clothes that weren't 'presentable', eat from his messy plate, give him his binky off the dirty floor, give him any sugary foods, not mind that he's licking the shopping cart, or let him continue his love affair with the binky after the age of one..................these were all resolutions that were compromised one way or another along the way.

Who really defines the characteristics of Super Mom? And who says I have to be Super Mom all of the time? I mean, there are just sometimes when I prefer to be Average Mom, don't you? Who came up with all those "rules" of parenting? Were they all mothers of a 2 year old in a shopping cart screaming bloody murder? I don't think so.

Quincy for the most part is really a great child. With that said, he does have his "moments". Monday in the D.I. was one of them (in his defense it was well past his nap time and we were out shopping). He was tired and so I handed him 2 toy cars to try and prolong the crying, whining, and melt downs that were inevitable. He was happy holding the cars and playing with them in his stroller until check out time. We had decided to buy the outside table, but had no intentions of getting those toy cars. Quincy seemed to disagree with this decision and made it clear by screaming at the top of his lungs, after which Tyler and I simply looked at each other and decided that .75 cents worth of toys was worth the silence and happiness of our child.

Note: we do not have intentions of making this a habit. I am definitely placing limits on this one. I do not want to raise a child who thinks it's acceptable to cry for toys and gets his way. I think Quincy will learn that concept one way or another. For the most part I think the melt down was due to tiredness and not to the actual wanting of the toys.And yet I'm sure this will be another one of my resolutions that will have a few compromises in the future.

However, he has since then been very excited about his new cars.


Anonymous said...

Savannah is definitely one of those children who thinks she should get everything she sees in the store. Usually the whole time we are shopping she's pointing at things and yelling that she wants that! And whenever Steve is with us he always has to buy her something. Haha, I guess we're building bad habits. I know what you mean about doing things you said you would never do. I said I wouldn't let Savannah watch TV...let's just say that since I've been pregnant we've watched a lot of TV. Oh well...we can only do the best we can do. Quincy is such a cutie. I can't belive how long and blond his hair is!

lindquist said...

believe me u will b caving in on many more things with kids.after the sixth or 7th kid and when thier teenagers , (if u live that long)u,ll b saying WHATEVER....
with that said there will b some good times that make it worth seeing ur own kids with KIDS ahhh paybacks

xxoo gr lgl

good job with the garden u r so talented like ur mom

lindquist said...

Oh well... at least you got out for on 75 cents! Good thing you weren't in Norstroms!

So it really doesn't stop - Scott, who's almost 18, went to walmart with me the other day. He kept telling me the things he "NEEDED"... and before you knew it I had $40 of stuff I didn't plan to even pay for or get that day! But his list was pretty resonable. He got:
*Oral B toothbrush
*Old Spice Deodorant
*Old Spice Liquid Body wash
*Face Lotion (I think the bottle even said "beauty lotion" which I thought was funny for a guy...)
*Razors (he's not convinced that those pink throw away ones with flowers on them shave as well as I explained to him they would...)
Hmmm... seems like there was more to the $40 bucks, but maybe not. Seems we don't get as much for our money as we 'used' to, huh?

Keep up the hard work, Kate. Quincy is GOOD and you're doing a great job!
