Saturday, August 28, 2010

Quincy's 3 Year Old Check Up

Last week Quincy went in for his annual check up at the Doctor. Since just the week before I had taken him to Braxton's appt. he sort of knows the routine. I did inform him that he wouldn't have to get shots though, unlike Braxton who received 3!

Of course, the Doctor made a liar out of me when she told me that he was due for an old vaccine that they'd made changes to. I was afraid that if I said anything he would freak out. Rather than tell him what was coming, like a good mom I pretended that we had to stay one more minute after the appt was done for some "medicine." He had no idea what was going on. Prior to his shot he got the nasal spray version of the flu shot, which again, I was nervous he wouldn't do well with, but he proved me wrong. He sat there quietly while she sprayed that up his nose.

Luckily, after the flu spray the nurse had him sit on my lap and while I distracted him by saying "What do you see out the window" BAM! she did it. He flinched after the fact, but not a single tear was shed. It was so nice. I let him get TWO stickers on our way out and told him he was SO BRAVE over and over again. He liked that and smiled the whole way home.

Quincy's 3 Year Stats are:

Weight: 29 lbs (12%)

Height: 37" (34%)

I couldn't believe that my 6 month old baby weighs approx 8 pounds LESS than my 3 year old! It goes to show that EVERY child is different. We have struggled to get Quincy to eat since the day he was born. Nursing was a nightmare for the first 3 months. I spent the majority of the time pumping, trying to keep a good milk supply while he 'got the hang' of nursing. It was a pain, but I'm glad I stuck it out....

Though we did have our nursing issues I thought maybe it'd get better when he was older and we could switch to solids. Not so, Quincy HATED vegetables, and still to this day we've been working on getting enough fiber in the kid. I will say that within the last three months I have witnessed him eat broccoli, green beans, green peppers, salmon, lettuce, red peppers, carrots, and he LOVES corn on the cob. He is making improvements in the eating department... maybe there's hope for him getting that weight up someday.

Quincy can now write his name, though he sometimes depends on me to remind him what letter comes next, he can write the letters himself. He knows every color there is, all his letters, and numbers 1-10. He got a big wheels bike for his birthday and is learning to ride that -- though his legs are still a little too short.

Our little Quincy is becoming very imaginative and independent- though he's been strong willed since birth. He loves his younger brother and is almost always willing to help. He likes to ask lots of questions about how things work and what words mean. I'm always proud of Quincy and the academic accomplishments he's made thus far.

Some funny things that Quincy's said recently:

* Grammie asks Quincy when he's acting up, "Do you want to go home?" He says honestly, "Yeah." -- This NEVER happens!

* We ask Quincy about Grandpa Loren's hair to which he replies "He doesn't have any hair on his head, it went to his legs."

* While playing with his golf clubs Quincy says "This orange golf club is sucking me up" I laugh and say , "You mean that club is making you suck? -- still a little in disbelief he's caught on to Tyler's phrase of ' that sucks' Quincy says, "Yeah like Tiger Woods sucks!" I couldn't help but laugh since I'm always teasing Tyler while he watches Tiger playing golf, saying Tiger Woods sucks.

* While pooping on the toilet Q says, 'Man, I need to eat more vegetables so my poop doesn't get stuck!' We've told him he needs to eat more veggies so his poops are easier to push out. It's amazing the things that stick with this kid. He has an incredible memory!

We love you Q!

1 comment:

Lance and Becky said...

WOW growing so fast I do however find it hilarious that Wyatt outweighs Q man however is 4 1/2 inches shorter ha ha!! Congrats on your growing family!