Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Crafty Project

I have always had a lavender spring wreath ever since we've been married. I think there's something pleasant about walking to your door and having a pretty wreath greet you before you walk inside. With that being said, I HAVE added a Christmas wreath and that had been the extent of my wreaths. A few weeks ago, while at my parents house my mom asked if I would like an old fall wreath she had made. I've never really been into fall decorations, but recently (perhaps it's old age, or pregnancy, or something) I have come to enjoy fall. The wreath originally consisted of fabric made leafs.... sort of etsy-ish looking. By themselves the fabric leafs looked a little dated so I thought that it would add to them. The wreath above is how it turned out. I really do like it.

Quincy even contributed to it. He was responsible for collecting the pine cones and the acorns. And I have to write a funny little story about Q, speaking of acorns. A busy street nearby has a lot of Oak trees lining a small shopping 'mall'. While we were on the side walk I asked if he would like to gather some of the acorns that were on the ground. He excitedly agreed and began filling his pockets. He was so happy and exclaimed as we were crossing the street to go back home, "Mom, my nuts are dropping!" Although I knew exactly what context he was using the phrase I couldn't help but chuckle to my self hearing it come out of his mouth. Then later as we reached our apartments to check our mail he said, "Mom, I'm holding my nuts in my pocket." Such irony... I'm sure he will laugh about this when he's older.  I got a little laugh or two out of it. :)

1 comment:

lindquist said...

Holy COW! It doesn't even look like the same wreath! In a good way, of course. The NUTS were the icing on the cake - good job Q! Glad he could keep his NUTS IN HIS PANTS until he got home. Augh...*priceless*!!!