Thursday, July 3, 2008

Quincy's Monthly Milestones

1 Month
- Smiles at mom for first time
-Makes "cooing" noises, very sweet sound
-Spits up a bunch and then tells a "story" afterwards
-Projectile vomits all over mom
-Poops all over clothes and up his back of 2nd outfit
-Can lift his head very well, although he favors one side of his neck due to pregnancy position
-Tyler changes him early morning on our bed, while he has open diaper Quincy poops again, the poop splatters clear across the bed and lands all over Tyler missing the bed completely.

2 Months

-Sleeps in crib for first time!
-Stays awake screaming for 45 minutes straight while Tyler's out of town working
-Likes to stand on his legs, with support holding his hands, is very strong
-Can follow objects easily
-Gets his first cold
-Trys to sit by himself, but can't quite do it
-See his hands
-Laughs when we blow raspberries on his tummy
-"Yells", notices he has control of volume to his voice, experimenting with loud and soft
-Can hold rattle

3 Months

-Goes to Dr. because he's got a mild fever, everything okay
-Meets his great Grandpa Lyle for first time, grandpa holds him in his arms
-Goes through 4 burp clothes and 5 outfits in one day!
-Loves raspberries on his tummy, laughs hard
-Can laugh out loud
-Sleeps 7-8 hours a night for first time!
-Rolls over from stomach to back
-Constipated-->poops ALOT.
-Can hold things in his hands
-Recognizes our voices easily
-Keeps head level with body when pulled to sitting position
-Says words like "ah-goo" all the time

4 Months
-Very fascinated with hands
-Gets whooping cough, sleeps with humidifier in room
-Can grab things
-LOVES water bottles, to drink from them
-Smiles for camera
-Can sit by himself
-Reaches for objects, can follow objects easily
-Tries to put binky in after taking it out, but can't quite do it
-Loves to snuggle with mom and sleep on her chest

5 Months

-Can roll over by himself consistently
-Can "crawl"backwards...scoots
-Can almost get on knees
-Works to get toys
-Looks for dropped objects
-Rolls over both ways
-Sleeps 8-2, 3-9:00am
-Rolls over from back to stomach
-Can roll everywhere to get places
-Sleeping through night consistently
6 Months

-Eating solid food for first time, green beans are 1st to try
-Has green poop after eating them
-Can say "baba" and "dada"
-Discovers tags on things. Is obsessed with them. He has a toy cow that has a tag on it and I find him playing with the tag for 15 minutes straight.
-Working fine motor skills
-Goes for first walk, Library
-Plays in the yard
-Babysat for first time by people in the ward (Not family)
-First "crawls" at Grammie and worm crawl
-Can stand on legs, very strong, no balance yet
7 Months
-Can rock on hands and knees
-Goes crazy and "yells" at me, wants to be picked up instead of crawling
-Can pull up to feet from crawling position with our help
-Can get from hands and knees to balance on just knees by himself
-Takes steps while holding onto our hands
-Eats cracker by himself
-Puckers his lips tightly
-Gets his hair trimmed by mom
-Tries to pulls self up onto couch
-Can almost pull up to stand by couch
-Has 2 bumps in gums
-Can climb over Tyler when he's sitting down
-Reads all of his books with mom, plays catch with her- can roll ball to her- laughs hysterically when we play catch, crawls all over me and giggles while he does it
-Gets first sunburn
-Gets scared when we're playing at Holly's when Caden makes loud noises, starts to cry
-Able to pass object from one hand to the other
8 Months
-Pulls self up on everything, can stand
-Goes for a walk to 'Other Mothers' with mom
-Takes his first "solo" steps with help of his Mega Blocks dump truck around living room
-Standing in his crib when we get him in the morning
-Eats ice cream for the first time
-Plays outside in the front yard
-Has a little blood in stool
-Snuggles with mom on her lap while watching Rachel Ray for 15 minutes
-Mom, Quincy, Holly, Caden, and Kim Allen go to Ann Morrison park with other moms and kids for a picnic and walk
-Stays overnight with Grandma and Grandpa Howard for first time while mom and dad have anniversary weekend together
-Can pick up things with his thumb
-Goes swimming for first time
9 Months
-Eats a pickle for first time, doesn't like it
-Is losing weight, has lost a pound since 6 mo check up
-Is very talkative, babbling lots of jibberish
-Can raise his hand, and give high fives
-Getting all 8 teeth!
-Goes for a walk with Grammie and Grandpa Loren
-Can walk holding onto one hand
-Says "nana" for food, understands what it means
-Takes out binky when he knows it times it eat
-Knows who "mama", "dada", and "bob" are (Bob the Builder toy)
-Gets first official hair cut with clippers
-Says "You do", "bub", and "brrrr"
-Eats Jamba Juice Smoothie for first time
-Goes rafting down Boise River with mom and dad

10 Months
-Pediatrician says he's not gaining enough weight, tells us to go back to full time nursing
-We find him playing in his crib, sitting up, with his blankets in the morning
-Can sit on knees and balance without holding onto anything
-Can get from crawling position to sitting on his bum
-Gets his 1st and 2nd tooth
-Has the skin on his peanut pulled back because it's growing together, Tyler about passes out watching, Quincy cries for a minute and then is fine, has gained back his weight!
-Eats a Popsicle for first time
-Tyler accidentally smashes Q's finger in the gliding rocking chair at the Howard's house, a little bruised and bleeding, but okay
-Eats frozen yogurt, homemade chicken Alfredo, and smoothies with mom and dad
-Claps his hands in primary and whenever we tell him to
-Tries feeding himself with spoon for first time, does okay, just a few spills
-Likes to mash food between his fingers

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