Sunday, October 26, 2008


We did alot of playing outside on Satuday. Quincy had so much fun with Grammie and Grandpa and his uncles playing in the leaves and picking apples.

He even helped Grandpa Loren in the garage.... doing 'manly' things of course. :o)

He helped uncle Karter blow leaves....

And uncle Scott rake leaves....
He helped Grammie pick the extra apples she had on her apple tree...

Quincy is so productive.... look what a good helper he is.

Quincy loves being outside helping Grandpa.

He does such a good job.
..........................To be Continued...........................


Katie Stacey said...

These are cute pictures. It looks like you guys are having fun!

lindquist said...

well stubbo, Q-bear, jabber jaws
i miss u bad already . u r way to handsome. i know we totally messed up ur schedual for home but it was worth it for us . late night popcorn ,ice cream , and smoothies. and boy do u love spagetti. ill miss u morning noon and night Q-bear xxxxxxxooooooo

ps oh yeah ,i miss u to kati
i love you xxxooo
u and tyler r doing a great job and will have ur hands full in a few years when he will hate u and think ur stupid enjoy those hugs and kisses now. we look forward to seeing u all at christmas

Kati Howard said...

We had lots of fun at you guys' house too. Thanks for flying us out... only a short few more weeks until we'll see you again. You'll see it'll fly by!