Saturday, June 14, 2008

Q's First haircut!

When Quincy was first born he had hardly any hair except for a little baby mullet in the back. It looked more like a little ducktail than a mullet, but that's what we called it. I was jealous when our friends baby was born after Quincy and he had a full head of thick hair. I thought Quincy would be bald forever....And then one day he seemed to just have so much of it. I gave him a trim when he was around 7 months. This month, however, it was really starting to get curly. So I got out the clippers and buzzed up the back. It was crazy to see how much hair came off his litle head. He looks so grown up now. These pictures were after his haircut. He was so good during it he got to eat some snacks afterwards. Notice he is just wearing a bib. It's hard to believe how fast he's growing up!

1 comment:

lindquist said...

What a good lookin' little man.

You were right. Good looks DO run in the family.
