Friday, July 8, 2011

Fourth Of July Weekend.

As usual we had a wonderful Independence Day weekend. Not only did Tyler get a day off from work because of the holiday, but my sister and her family were kind enough to drive up from Sacramento. We were so happy they could come to visit. Our boys were thrilled to play with their cousin. Those kids had so much fun playing and splashing in the pool, running up and down Grammie's stairs, chasing each other, singing, dancing, screaming and squealing, eating Popsicles, and staying up late. It was sad to see them go.... thank goodness we have a memory filled with fun times from this great weekend.
Quincy and Grammie.
Lexi and Grammie.
Just the Girls.
The Girls and the Grandkids.
The kids: Karter, Emy, Me, and Spencer.
Tyler and Braxton.
The Lindquist family.... and Scotty in spirit.
Lexi enjoying a Popsicle.
MMmmmmmm...... Popsicles.
Lexi found a great spot to read books at the Salvation Army while shopping with the girls.... right on the floor.
Whenever he's outside he's bound to find this toy...
Look at that cute belly!
Braxton and his favorite outside toy.
These two were a perfect match splashing around in the pool all day!
Awww... cousin love!
Braxton had lots of fun getting rides in the wagon.
Quincy having more fun splashing his cousin in the pool!
Braxton, Lexi, and Quincy.
Braxton giving Grandpa Loren a Flower.
Thank you for coming to visit us Toolson Robledo Family! It was a blast!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun 4th!

Gage said...

so cute! i want to kiss those little bellies!