Friday, January 2, 2009

What are we going to do when we have more children?

It would seem that after Quincy was born we are ALWAYS running a little on the late side. This drives me nuts. Growing up in the Lindquist home being "late" was NOT acceptable! If you were supposed to be somewhere by 5:00--- arriving at 5:00 was late, being on time was arriving at 4:45. As you could imagine, living this way for years has resulted in some of the same obsession that my dad had growing up. It drives me a little nuts when people show up late to church, granted we ourselves have been guilty of this a time or two. If I can in any way help it, I try to be early... or if you ask my dad, on time.

It seemed like after Quincy joined our little family we had more to remember when heading out the door. We would get into our car and I would remember that we had forgot something..... this seemed to happen quite frequently at first and then died down a little as we became more "experienced" parents

----------When I say experienced, I mean we forgot important things like diapers, wipes, bottles, extra clothes etc. This caused some excess anxiety and since then we have learned to check and recheck before getting out the door.... which of course means we're late, or late by my definition. ------------

As this new year has approached us it makes me wonder, what are we going to do when we have more children? We only have one and there are times when it's impossible to make it somewhere early. What are we going to do when there are twice as many things to remember? Hmmmmm.........................

I bring all this up because, as usual, I'm late...............

But in my defense... I'm late wishing you all a happy new year because we spent the majority of yesterday in a car driving home.

**************A little update on our trip home. It wasn't nearly as terrifying as the ride to Washington. The weather was agreeable. We only hit a brief bit of road that had some nasty slushy stuff on it, which of course wasn't so fun to drive on. All in all, the trip home was much less stressful than our trip out. Thank goodness, another miracle.

I hope that all of you have a wonderful new year, that it is better than last year, and that it is filled with happiness.

Happy 2009!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad your trip home was good. Ours was horrible, worse than the trip there.

Shera said...

I am glad you guys had fun and made it home. I thought maybe you were announcing something there when you said you are LATE...haha!! Anyways...Happy Holidays!

Kati Howard said...

HAha, that would quite the surprise... to us!

Jennifer P. said...

Glad you all had a safe and happy trip!

And now I shall hide my head in shame....because I use to forever be on time (meaning EARLY!) too.....and now I am THAT lady who shows up late every week with what appears to be a very loud parade of children following me. Oh my! I just came to the decision of "I can be late or I can not go", and I think the Lord probably wants me to go! Too bad I'm not doing resolutions this year or attempting to be on time to church might be among them :)!

If you want to practice being on time with a few extra kids, I have a few I could loan you ;).

lindquist said...

I was thinking the same as Shera. But I know that would be AWFUL tacky of you to 'announce' to your PARENTS (and other readers)that you were "late"/"expecting" over your blog....

I'm glad you guys made it back safely. I miss you all. I still have Quincy's germs and although Dad won't admit to it... as of today, he has them too.

I LOVE YOUR NEW layout. I like change and the colors are refreshing. Since we look at your blog several times a day, the change was nice! It's so you sis.

Oh, and as for being timely with more kids - it just takes thought and organization - the stuff you already have! It'll be a breeze!! Ha ha! Seriously, you adjust and just do it.

I like that you're thinking about more kids. :) Too bad we couldn't find MORE Christmas socks for all of them...


Kati Howard said...

To reply to Jennifer P..... I think it's wonderful that you bring all your four boys in tote to church EVERY sunday... and it doesn't bother me one bit seeing you walk in a minute late. We're just all so glad you come... especially Quincy, seeing as how you always share chocolate Teddy Grahams, Pretzels, and books or toys with him.

And mom, we will have more kids.. someday. I will NOT be annoucning it in a simple blog post either, so don't worry. :)

lindquist said...
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