Thursday, November 10, 2011

Braxton at 21 Months....

 It's hard to believe that Braxton isn't that far away from turning two!
 We see him growing before our eyes... aside from the fact that he is physically a big boy (catching Quincy quickly) I notice him growing in other ways.
 He is currently shown a great interest in reading, although he still doesn't have much patience to sit through very long books. I often find him sitting down with a book in his lap, turning pages, and taking in the pictures. He has added some new sounds to his vocabularly: Ga, Ca, Ssss, Ra, and Ta. He has made more of an effort in saying some words, but overall has his own little language consisting of sounds and gestures. He gets frustrated when I don't give him what he's motioning for, but I've been trying really hard to get him to say the word aloud- or at least TRY. He can say Car, and has taken an interest in the word 'clock' (cah). He says dada all the time. Any time I call on the phone he says "bapuh" (grandpa). He holds the phone to his ear and says "He-doh" (hello). He says "kar kar" (Karter). He says ra (red), ga (green), ba (blue- or black), ya ya (yellow). Instead of saying "Uh oh" he just says "uh", leaving off the oh part. He loves to wrestle with Tyler. He has quite the assortment of animal sounds: dog (woo woo), cat (bahw), bird (he makes an 'o' with his lips and tries to whistle), chicken (bawk bawk), horse (baaaw), sheep (baaa), rooster (caah ca), duck (cah cak), frog (ri buh), snake (sssss), bear (raaa), tiger/ lion/ cougar etc. (snarling noise). The list goes on.... but you get idea... the kid has quite the variety of animal sounds. He loves to give baby Pula kisses... one night he lifted up my shirt and gave MULTIPLE sweet tender kisses to my belly and belly button. After each time he'd kiss my tummy he would look at me and smile.
 Braxton's latest interest: taking his clothes on/ off and trying to "dress" himself. He specifically tries to take his socks on or off. He also has been a little shoe bandit around our house....

Any time there are a pair of shoes lying around he feels the need to put them on his feet. The shoes he has on in the top picture above are actually Quincy's and as you can see he's quite happy, despite the fact they are on the wrong feet. He also doesn't mind putting on my snow boots either. :) Silly boy!

I love my little Braxton Kaleb!


The Higbee Family said...

It was so fun to catch up on your blog! You guys have been through so much. I am so happy for your family and that everything is going to be okay with your little boy. What a blessing the "healing power" of the priesthood is in our lives and whatever it heals at the time!

lindquist said...

Big Baby looks cute in that diaper & shoes pic. His head looks way bigger than his body - but that's why he's BIG BABY.