Thursday, October 29, 2009

Seaside, Oregon

A few weeks ago we decided to be spontaneous and take a day trip to Seaside. It's been a few years since I've been to the Oregon coast.... and even longer for Tyler. Seeing as how Quincy has lived in Idaho basically his whole life there are many things he has yet to see.... like the beach and the ocean.

It wasn't necessarily the best time of the year to go visit the Oregon Coast, but actually the weather couldn't have been nicer; All considering of course. We kept telling Quincy that we were going to the beach and we would get to see the ocean. He repeatedly asked the whole drive there: "where the ocean go?" and "where the beach go?" By the time we had reached Seaside...... he was passed out.

He didn't seem to mind that he was woke up from his nap prematurely though, after all he had heard great things about this 'ocean'.

Quincy's first encounter with the beach was discovering all that sand. I do have to say, I think the sand at the beach in Seaside is much prettier than other beaches along the Oregon coast. Most of them are very rocky and have lots of sticks and such all over them. I think we all managed to get a little sand in everything, but that's what the beach is for right?

Quincy's second new adventure was seeing the ocean. He was NOT a fan of this. The ocean seemed to terrify him and Tyler tried countless times to try and coax him closer to it, but he wasn't budging. Personally I'm a little terrified of large bodies of water, especially the ocean since it seems never-ending. So I couldn't really blame Quincy for wanting to keep his distance. He eventually, after an hour there, allowed me to hold him close enough to let the water run over his sandy toes and fingers. (Which by the way, the water was icy cold, so yet another reason why Quincy wasn't too hot on the idea of all that water.)

Quincy and I managed to have fun playing in the sand. We made a big letter inscription that said "I heart Dad". Quincy had so much fun getting sand between his fingers and throwing it. Tyler refused to bring his flip flops from the car so he wasn't in the sand as much as we were, but I think we all managed to have fun.

After some fun on the beach we had lunch at a place called Sam's Seaside Cafe. Tyler had some yummy fish and chips, I had a deli sandwich and homemade chili, and Quincy got a basket of freshly made french fries. We also managed to stop by the Salt Water Taffy outlet to bring home a bag of Taffy. I think this was Tyler's favorite part! He looked just like Quincy in the store as they went from bin to bin choosing out their favorite flavors. I wish my camera had batteries!

It was a beautiful day trip to Seaside and we hope to go back next year in the summer with Quincy and Pipa.

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