Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It's April, so it must be time for...

...Trips to the dentist! 
Don't you just love B's "smile"? 
While daddy was getting the car seats out of the garage, somebody was loving sitting like a big boy in the back seat. 
And Standing up so he could see everything. 
I have to say, our boys do SO great at the dentist. I have never seen them shed a tear, express any fears, or complain in any sort of way. If anything, they're so EXCITED  to go. I attribute that to the wonderful staff, the sweet dental assistants, and their kind dentist.

(Now there have been other kids there freaking out while my boys have been in for their cleanings, but not once have they joined in on the melt downs.) 

They just sit back, open wide, and kick up their feet til the cleanings are done. Happy to hop down and retrieve their prizes. Quincy even does so well they let him to the "big kid" fluoride trays. 
Braxton is always a little shy, but he does really great, too! 
And this little guy, too few of teeth to go in for an official cleaning just yet, did SO well waiting for his brothers to get their teeth cleaned. He just sat by me, playing with his books, and randomly grunting to me about various things he could see out the windows. 
How did I get so lucky? 

Oh, and NO cavities! Yay! 


Gage said...

You have THE handsomest boys. And I only wish I was as brave as they are when it comes to the dentist. I really truly hate going. I feel sick just thinking about it!

Kati Howard said...

Thanks, Brook. I grew up with a tooth Nazi in my house (my mom) who encouraged all my siblings and I to have good dental hygiene habits. We went regularly to the dentist, even when we were little and I think it lessened my fear of dentists in general. Although, I will say I HATE having work done. That drilling sound is enough to make my skin crawl. Thank goodness I've only had to have a few fillings over 27 years. I'm just happy my boys are so willing. :)