Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy One Month Birthday Braxton!

I can't believe that my little newborn baby is already one month old. On the one hand... it's exciting that he's getting older in the sense that we have to look forward to nights full of sleep. On the other hand I miss his skinny little legs that were once covered in wrinkly skin... those same little legs are beginning to show signs of rolls and chubby-ness. Braxton is starting to be more alert; each day he awake for longer periods of time. He is starting to make soft little noises.He has given us a few periodic smiles...and we can't wait until they become routine.

I thought I'd throw in this picture below because I thought it was funny. While I'm getting ready sometimes this is where Braxton likes to be... in the bathroom sink. Good thing he's still small enough to fit.

He is still one of the happiest babies around. We are so anxious to see him give Quincy a run for his money. We love Baby B!


Wii are the Nelsons said...

James loves to sit in the sink still.

I love Braxton's little smiles - so cute! Great job getting ready too. I like never got ready for the day when James was a newborn - sometimes for church, maybe

Anonymous said...

He is super cute! I hope we get to meet him when we come to Washington at the end of March.

Lance and Becky said...

I love that newborn strech!! Wyatt turns 1 next month and seeing braxton makes me miss my tiny one...although he was never tiny :)! Congrats