Tuesday, October 30, 2012

September Family Outing

Tyler came up with plans for a great family outing. He has been dying to take the boys to Mt. Hood for a while now. I wasn't exactly up for the long drive (well, long when you have to stop every 2 hours for a nursing baby-- as he WAS nursing frequently then). We compromised by going to Zig Zag, Oregon to a state park (?) called Wildwood. It was beautiful, had great trails, play ground equipment, picnic areas, and beautiful scenery. We hiked some short trails, picniced, played on the playground, and just had a lot of fun.
 Here are the pictures from our adventure: 
 Quick pit stop at Subway for our sandwhiches. Who knew there was a Subway chain in such a LITTLE town?

 Z's not hot on riding in the stroller... well, at the time it WAS little hot IN the stroller. He was a trooper, for the most part.:)
 Climbing on rocks... you know, boy stuff.
 Throwing rocks, more boy stuff.
The short nature trails had some great wild life. The boys got to see salmon and little losters.

At one point through some of the longer nature trails we ventured down to the river. The boys LOVED this.

 By the end I think we had walked probably around 3-4 miles (?) The boys were thoroughly pooped as we got back in the car and we have some great memories together as a family.

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