Even though Grammie and Grandpa Loren already sent Quincy money to get a pool for our house they decided that since it's been so hot here they would just buy one to keep at their house. And really, it's been so STINKIN' hot here! Yesterday it was 106*!! The coolest it was ALL day was 72*! It's crazy..... do you think we brought our Idaho heat with us? I hope not because I was seriously looking forward to enjoying some cooler weather.
(New pool, same kind of fun in the water. )
("Diving" for pool rings aka. shower curtain hangers)
While Tyler, Scotty, Karter, and I drove out to Multon Falls Yesterday, Quincy stayed home and played in his new 'fancy' pool with the palm tree canopy. He was a little hesitant about getting into the water since it was still cold, but seemed to have fun none the less. After all it's always fun when you get to stay with Grandparents, right?
(Grandpa Loren and Quincy)
(Posing for a picture)
(Grammie and Quincy)
(Scoping out the water)
(Adjusting the Velcro butterflies)
(Oh the life of a kid in the summer time!)
Thanks Grammie and Grandpa Loren for letting us come stay with you! Also thank you for the awesome new pool. It looks like we'll be seeing more of you guys since Tyler just got a job offer for JP Morgan Chase yesterday and we will be moving to the Portland/ Vancouver area by August 16th!
A special thanks to all those who have been keeping us in their thoughts and prayers. We are so relieved that Tyler has received this job offer and hope that our future soon starts to look brighter, which of course it already does. Our future plan is starting to take shape and form. Hooray!!