Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Just thought you all should hear the Great News

The last few months have been a whirlwind of emotions for all of us here in the Howard household. As you know, Tyler resigned from his former job a month ago, which in turn has meant that I've been working almost full time. This has been most challenging... especially because I've had a big secret I've been keeping.....

........And that secret is......that Quincy is going to be a big brother.

Yep, that's right we are going to have an increase in our little family of three in February of next year. We couldn't be happier about this great news. Although things are challenging for us at the moment, we are excited about being parents for the second time around.

Kati's Perspective about the pregancy: I think it would be so nice if all of my pregnancies were the same, or at least similar... this way I could know what to expect each time. However, this time around has been nothing like the last. I have felt horrible for the past month or two.

Poor Tyler has really had to step up in the kitchen/ cooking department, as the smell and thought of cooking is purely exhausting and sickening to me. Not only has he taken on the role of head chef in our home, but has also had to tend to all 'foul' smells. My gag reflex has been extra sensitive as well as the urge to vomit.

In addition to the overwhelming feeling of being exhausted ALL day long, I have lost my sense of appetite. This hasn't been such a terrible thing for my weight gain. With Quincy I started gaining right from the start... this time around I have gained only 2 pounds. I have no strange cravings. The only thing that has souned good to me are nectarines. I guess maybe that's a little weird. I really craved fresh oranges with Quincy, in fact I really lived off them for the first 3 months. Is it strange that I crave certain fruits? No pickles and ice cream, or potato chips and yogurt... nothing of the sorts.

Quincy's perspective on the Pregnancy: We told Quincy last month that we were going to have a baby and that he's going to be a big brother. Whenever we ask "Quincy, where's the baby?" he proudly smiles and says "In Mama's tummy!" When we were at the store looking for prenatal vitamins we explained to Quincy that they were for the baby. At dinner every night when he sees me taking my vitamin during dinner he says "Vitamin for baby in Mama's tummy."

It's amazing how he's picked up on the littlest things. Every now and then we ask him if he wants a baby brother or baby sister. Each time his answer is different, usually resulting in whatever choice is said last. I love how much excitement he's already showing. I know he'll be a great big brother.

Tyler's perspective on the Pregnancy: Tyler is still in a surreal state of mind. To him the pregnancy hasn't become real yet. Just a couple of weeks ago I told him that I was 6 weeks pregnant to which he replied "Wow, already? Man this pregnancy is just flying by." I looked at him incredulously and said "Yeah, for you. You're not the one who feels like crap every day." I will say that Tyler has been extremely patient with my emotional ups and downs. He has also been very supportive about taking on my usual responsibilities in the house.

I told Tyler that his job for this pregnancy was to name the baby. While I was pregnant the first time, before we knew the sex of the baby, I told Tyler we needed to call the baby something. Tyler picked the name Xuxa (shoe- sha) the female name of a children singer in Brazil. And that was Quincy's name for 6 months.... This time around he suggested a couple of names, but the one we decided on together was Pipa (peep-a). I think he told me it means 'kite' in Portuguese, but I liked the sound of it... little baby Pipa. We will be sure to keep you updated as things progress along.


Shera said...

Yeah!!! Sorry you have been feeling so crummy!! Maybe you are having a girl this time since it is so different than last time. Hang in there!!!

Cherie said...

Hooray for the Pipa! Congrats to your family...too bad you have to carry both babies (couldn't we switch off with the men?). What a roller coaster ride you are one Kati. No wonder you've been so stressed out. I was REALLY sick during my first pregnancy and the only thing that helped was Vitamin B and half a Unisom before I went to bed, then I was good for the whole next day (no nausea).

BTW, your new hair cut is darling!

Wii are the Nelsons said...

Congratulations! I was just thinking about you and when you were going to have baby #2 because everyone is having their 2nd baby now....ALMOST making me want another, but not quite yet. Hope you feel better soon! Quincy sounds like he'll do great with the new baby

Lance and Becky said...

Congrats! I feel your sick pain.I spent a lot of time in the hospital when I was preggers. I couldnt keep anything down.I hope you feel better soon. How far along are you?

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Sorry you're feeling sick...hope the time starts flying by!

Unknown said...

CONGRATS KATI! I can't wait to read about baby number 2! I hope that the morning sickness doesn't last long.

Price Family Adventures!!! said...

Congrats Tyler and Kati on baby number 2.

Ashley Bankhead said...

Congratulations! That really is such exciting news. I'm sorry you are feeling sick. I was deathly ill with both of my pregnancies. Not fun. Keep us posted.

Chris&Amber said...

Congratulations, thats so exciting, Chris and I are happy for the both of you!

The Brewers said...

Congratualtions! Aaron and I have been pondering the "second baby" decision and reading about how crappy you feel brings back too many memories... no new baby urges here! At least yet.. :)

Hope the next "few" months fly by!