Monday, July 6, 2009

Keeping cool in Summer

A couple of weeks ago Grammie and Grandpa Loren sent Quincy a gift card to Walmart to go and buy a swimming pool. We let Quincy decide what color he wanted and he picked orange, though he really only had a choice of green and orange. Sorry that these pictures are from a couple of weeks ago and I'm just getting around to posting them, but hey. Better late than never right?

Quincy helping fill up the pool. The water out of the hose was icy cold so we put in several pitchers of hot water from the house.

At first Quincy was a little reluctant about getting into the pool... but after throwing in some 'pool toys', various cups, balls and rings.... he seemed to enjoy it more.

It never ceases to make me laugh watching this kid play with water. I don't know why, but he LOVES getting soaking wet. Whenever we water the garden he's ALWAYS trying to get in front of the hose. The pool was a great gift from Grammie and Grandpa.

Even Tyler joined in on the fun.... I, however, had a nice time soaking my feet in the cold water.

A day later Quincy had become pretty brave in the pool, so the boys decided to haul out the basketball hoop. This is what I saw when I pulled in the driveway from work. My little boy shooting some hoops in the pool. Look at the concentration in his face!

A special thank you to Grammie and Grandpa for sending the gift card to purchase the pool. We will be using it for weeks to come.


Anonymous said...

Grandparents are great! That pool is so cute. I'm glad Quincy is enjoying it. It's a great way to cool off in this summer heat.

Haley said...

Watch out, here comes the next Michael Phelps!! ;) That really is great that your [awesome] parents got your cute little Quincy a pool! perfect present :)

And I'm in love with the last picture! You can see his focus and his determination to make the shot =)

Jennifer P. said...

Looks like THE perfect summer hang out!

Love the new blog look too :)

lindquist said...

i like tyler posing as Americas NEXT top model in the pool. and the look on quincys face like...hmmmdads looking a little girlie.
love u tyler and gang

Grammie xxoo

lindquist said...

Grammie did NOT write that! If she did she wouldn't have said America's NEXT Top Model, but rather a MERMAID! I'm glad you have that pool. Might come in handy for the whole family.
The REAL Grammie
PS - don't you like how Dad actually puntuated and did some capitalization to make it look like it was me...?

Kati Howard said...

Yes, except for what gave it away was that he started that second sentance with AND and it wasn't capitalized. Nice try grandpa.