Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cold Case File #3 Closed

So many MANY months ago we lost some important things. We first lost the certificates that certify my wedding rings are real, then we lost my cell phone-- which was more easily found than the other things, and lastly-- or the most recently, we lost not one, but two binkys. Of course, this all happened months ago at an oh-so-important time in Quincy's life, where going to bed without a binky was unheard of. We tore the house apart looking for them and had no luck. We finally came to the conclusion, after months of searching and hours or arguments about who lost it, that it must have got lost when we were out somewhere.

This weekend after our family left we couldn't find two of our most important remote controls. The stereo one was gone and so was the TV converter box remote. We looked everywhere and were about to give up and claim that they were lost in the living room black hole which sucked in all sorts of important things. It' like they would be there one minute and the next minute they had up and vanished. So after thinking hard about where they could be and where they were last, I finally said, maybe they fell down into the couch.

We turned the couch on it's side and grabbed a knife to cut open the cloth mesh.....

.......What did we find inside?


Now I have to say, that most of these things are from my in laws house... because these are their couches they handed down to us.... but LOOK.... there are the sacred remotes and the treasured binky's!
It's like the Christmas miracle, only about 8 months too late. Good thing we found those binky's about 6 months after we needed them, and now he doesn't even use a binky. Oh well.
Case closed!


Anonymous said...

haha! how funny!

Wii are the Nelsons said...

The couch mess is funny! I always check in between our couches but I've never had to cut them open before.