Monday, August 25, 2008

Brush your teeth!

Quincy loves to spend time in the bathroom, usually he's pulling our drawers out and emptying their contents, like the the picture below. He loves to wave byebye to his 'poo poo' in the toilet, and we've also had the pleasure of him trying to grab his poo in the toilet. Not so fun. Now that he's got a bunch of teeth in, we're stressing the importance of brushing his teeth and he's caught on pretty well. He enjoys it , but I usually have to coax him into doing it by letting brush mine.
He likes to be a big boy and do it by himself.


Anonymous said...

Good job Quincy! Are you guys working on potty training?

Kati Howard said...

Ugg.. we were for a while. I think we've died down on it lately, because I've been working a little more here and there. It would be great to have him potty trained before 2, but we shall see. I think we'll get him a little training toilet before or around Christmas, as it's difficult for him to use the big potty.

The Brewers said...

As a dental hygienist I must say GOOD JOB QUINCY! Oh, and I love the picture of him passed out after you trip to Bogus Basin... so cute!

Kati Howard said...

As the daughter of a mother who works in an orthodontist-- granted she's only the PR for the Dr.-- it was a must!