Saturday, December 27, 2008

Michael Jackson takes Vancouver by told by Grammie

Some dude was driving down our street during the "ARCTIC BLAST", slid off the road a bit and took out the mailbox! Yikes! He was kind enough to stop, knock on the door and at least tell us.

He gave us his name, address and phone numbers. Guess what his name was????

**Michael Jackson!**
Ha ha! I hope he was telling the truth!

Mailcarriers won't deliver to downed boxes so off to Home Depot we went to find a new one.

After lots of consideration we determined this one would do just fine.

I'm pretty sure Quincy was the ONLY kid in the store. Everyone was ewwing and ahhing over him. I can't say I blame them. He *IS* pretty dang cute!
But then again, I AM his Grammie.

I love you Quincy!


Anonymous said...

That's funny. Shera and I's gymanstics coach in high school was named Michael Jackson. It was awesome.

lindquist said...

January 3rd and as to date, MICHAEL JACKSON hasn't paid up!!

Kati Howard said...

Well, maybe he will. If you know where he lives then maybe you can stalk him. Or better yet, just have dad show up at hi doorstep with a shortgun... that outta speed things up a bit. :)

lindquist said...

Or we could take out HIS mailbox - in the night....

lindquist said...

Michael Jackson paid $40 of the $100 yesterday....

...we're getting closer....