Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Groundhog Day

You all remember the movie Groundhog Day right? You know, where he keeps reliving the same day over and over again? Well... these pictures reminded me of that movie because each morning Bill Murray wakes up to the clock radio, Sunny and Cher are singing "I've got you Babe", and the radio DJ says, "It's (whatever) o clock this morning. Better put your booties on cuz it's COLD outside."

****Now I know that I probably slaughtered the real quote from the movie, but give me a break... it's been a while since I've seen it. ******

Anyways... these picture were of Quincy the other day after I got out of the shower and was getting ready. I hadn't dressed him yet and so he ran around the house like this.....

In nothing but a diaper, bath robe and some booties to keep those little toes warm. It was cute!

I wish his eyes were open, but he was being a big ham and laughing when I tried to capture a decent picture.
So I got to thinking about that movie... poor Bill Murray has to keep reliving Groundhog Day over and over again. It made me stop and think.
HMMMMmmmmm.....................If I had to relive one day over and over again, which day would it be? I thought about this for a while and decided that it would be my wedding day.
Not all brides can say this, but I had one of the best wedding days ever. So many memories of it are faded, some aren't quite clear, but I definately remember all the many wonderful feelings I had. It was also a day that almost my entire family was together. There were bits and pieces that were a blur because we had so much going on.Tyler and I couldn't have been any more happy... and boy oh boy did we have fun at our sealing, luncheon, and wedding reception! I would love to relive that day and discover more clearly how much love was felt.
So...........if you could relive one day.... at least for a while, what day would it be?


Anonymous said...

I was going to say the day I had Savannah and then I remembered all of the pain involved. I think I would go for my wedding day too. I agree, its great to have so many family and friends together and celebrate love! Although (seeing as its been awhile), I would probably change my dress!

Kati Howard said...

I, too, thought about the day Quincy was born... but remembered throwing up several times and being pretty loopy because of all the anesthetics from my C-section. I was so out of it to really appreciate having my baby outside my body just yet. I loved our wedding day though and it would be fun to do it over a couple more tiems.

lindquist said...

I think there are lots of memorable moments that would be fun to relive. For the most part I've never been one to say I'm 29 "again" and crap like that. I love my age and the experiences that have come with the years. I do have a soft spot in my heart to a particular day however, that I wouldn't mind reliving. It was more like an evening - but it was the Christmas eve that we were ALL together. Grandpa Lyle and Grandma Rena, Nanny & Pappy, Baby Q was announced... we were ALL together. It was before we knew Grandpa's cancer was back, the time Spencer was going on a mission, the time we anticipated being GRANDparents for the first time. It was loud and crazy (like all our family together times) yet inside I felt quiet and humble. I'm not sure WHAT it was that exactly made it so special, but the spirit was so strong and I'll always remember it with fondness in my heart.
