Monday, September 8, 2008

Exposing too much?

Quincy is finally starting to fit into his 12 month and 18 month clothes! Whoo hoo! I look at him, and though his growth has been slow and steady, I've suddenly seen a huge change in him. He's more mobile, running, walking, and has the ocassional crawl. He's picked up on little things that we do, like for isntance he realizes that we talk on the phone--- not only do we talk on the phone, but he knows that there is a voice on the other end of the phone and he also knows how to hold it to his ear so he can hear the voice. It's s amazing to see him learn things like that which we have never explained to him, even if we did try and explain it's still a difficult concept to learn.

It also reminds me that Tyler and I have to be cautious about the things which we expose him to, or unintentionally expose him to-- like TV--we will also have to watch the things we say to eachother. I mean, even a seemingly harmless comment, like: "Don't be stupid" could turn ugly when he starts calling everyone stupid. We are excited for his new enthusiasm in learning, and it's scary at the same time; Scary to think that our sweet innocent little boy will be exposed to the many horrible, sinful, awful, terrible things that are in our world. Although, I know there are also many great things we have to look forward to him being exposed to, like the knowledge of the gospel, the spirit, and the plan of happiness. It's comforting knowing that along with all the bad things in this world, our Heavenly Father has given us such great things too. Our little boy sure is growing up!

So because he's been sick with a runny nose this past week, he's had a difficult time breathing when he sleeps. We are consistent about giving him medicine to help, but it doesn't always do the trick. On this particular day I found him taking a nap over this mound of blankets in his crib, snoring really loudly. He didn't even wake up when I took a picture or two. I think he's nearing the end of his little cold, cross our fingers it doesn't get worse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's cute, i always find Savannah sleeping like that too, i love it!