Tuesday, November 25, 2008

At last the time has come... 15 month update

I was feeling a little down reading Katie Stacey's blog when she reported Savannah saying actual words like shoe, for instance. Then I would get to spend the rest of my day feeling frustrated when the only "words" Quincy would say were "dada" and other sorts of jibberish.

Well, I feel a little better now because Quincy is finally feeling comfortable enough to try new sounds and words. He can now say bubble *bubah*, cracker *gakah*, circle *gircle*, hot *haaa*,car *gar*, go, up, dog, out there, dada, mama, and yuck *ykkk*. I told Tyler, despite not being able to say any really important words for communicating, I'm not sure how bubble is useful in getting what he wants, we are excited for this new stage in his life. We look forward to him saying lots more and I'm sure along with all those new words he will also be saying embarrassing things like we both did as children. Either way, we are so happy!

Quincy can also climb on the couches by himself... he is very well balanced. He gives hugs and kisses... which is VERY cute! He knows what it means when we say *ouch*; If he hurts one of us we say *ouch* and tell him to kiss it better. He does and says *Mmmwah* while he kisses you. It's super cute. He also kisses characters in his books, other kids-- mostly girls-- and his toys and stuffed animals.

We are so proud of Quincy he a great son and we are amazed by everything he accomplishes each day!

1 comment:

lindquist said...

OK Q more bad news.Your mom ,grammie, girls and your future wife will be wanting you to talk and COMMUNICATE 24/7 it will never be enough. So keep up the good work grunts, jiberish, mumbling, and a few words mixed in will please them momentarily . They love to talk , when you come for xmas i'll teach you some lines you can use at church like your mom did when she was a toddler,like"What the hell is going on?" She learned that from Grammi.
xxoo Grandpa L