Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The last one to get their hair cut....

I've been over due for a haircut.... but, of course, since I'm the one giving haircuts I'm last on the list to get one. I had a coupon for a $5.00 haircut at the Beauty College--- it's the only place I get my hair cut because they are the cheapest.

What do you think?
While I was there getting my hair cut, Quincy was flirting with all the cosmetologists. They thought he was adorable. Soon he was friends with all of them and they were giving him their hair clips and talking to him sweetly. He is such a little flirt!
---------I think he gets that from Tyler!---------------------------


Shera said...

I like your hair. It is way cute.

lindquist said...

You're hair cut is very nice. And might I add the PRICE is extra nice!

Speaking of "Kati" hair...I miss those days of finding your it ALL over the bathroom counter, the bathroom rug, the shower drain... Well, maybe not miss all of that - but now there's nobody else to blame it on!

Every day so much of my hair falls out it's a wonder I have any left on my head! I was watching Oprah one day recently (please, I don't watch regularly, I have my own bible/religion, thank you very much!).. and they were talking about how they get hair for the extentions we get here in the U.S. The got a lot from overseas.. where these people were shaving their heads and giving their hair to the TEMPLE as a religious offering! And then this 'temple' would turn around and SELL it to the us and we pay like $4,000 for these extentions! THEN, they also featured women that sold "dead hair" that could be make into wigs/extentions. This "dead hair" is hair they get out of their hairbrushes!!! Isn't that sick?

I wonder how much $$ I could bring in from all the hair in my bathroom rug???????

Kati Howard said...

Haha... I totally saw that episode. Gross about the 'dead' hair. And I thought it was sad that those ladies were offering their hair as a religious offering and then the temple was SELLING it to the U.S.

I can't even imagine shaving my hair as an offering.

Did you also remember the country in Africa in which FAT, OBESE, STRETCH MARK COVERED, DIVORCED women beautiful?! I laughed hard when Oprah said, "Man, I'm in the WRONG country!"