Sunday, March 22, 2009

Look what Happens when I'm out of town...

When I was in Washington Tyler worked a few days in Fruitland. While he was there he decided to visit the parents of an old friend. As he was leaving, their dog got a little too excited and attacked his leg while he was walking out to his car. The dog tore his pants and left a nice little scar on his calf.
This was the damage. The scar on his leg wasn't as bloody and by the time I took this picture it was mostly just bruised. The parents of his old friend were really apologetic and gave him some money to buy some new pants.

And here are the new pants! I didn't really care for the old pants anyway... so I wasn't too sad to see them go. Hopefully the next time I leave he won't be shot, cut, bitten, or abused in any other way.

1 comment:

lindquist said...

Those are quite graphic pictures. I like his new pants - and it was nice that those ppl took responsibility for them! Michael Jackson has STILL not come through with the rest of the mailbox money... Oh well.