Sunday, May 3, 2009

I never knew it was possible....

... To find this much spaghetti on one child.

Quincy thoroughly enjoys eating his spaghetti, if only we could get all of it in his mouth! He is definitely Tyler's child. I remember when Tyler and I were friends, before we started dating, that he would eat spaghetti by the platefuls. Literately, the plate would be heaping with a large mound of spaghetti and I would watch in amazement as every last piece of spaghetti was consumed.

MMMmmmmm good!

Now if only we could manage to get Quincy to be this enthusiastic about other foods!

I do have to say though.... he has recently been "adventurous" in his eating habits. He has been willing to eat kiwis-- I had to tell him they were 'green bananas' before he was willing to taste them. He's also likes strawberries, raisins (he really has taken to these which I think is kind of weird), mac and cheese (this is a huge hit-- what's not to love it has cheese and noodles, his favorites), hot dogs, and as of last night 'gummy gummy' which is what he refers to fondly as gummy worms. He had plenty of these at Aunt Kelly and Uncle Mike's wedding reception.

I can't believe how big Quincy is getting. He spent almost a week with my parents in Washington. Tyler just happened to have some work in Portland. His company paid for the flight and since Quincy still flies for free, until August when he turns 2, he tagged along to visit Grammie and Grandpa.

It was great that I had a week to myself to do girl things, Tyler had a week to focus on work and training, and Quincy had a week of being spoiled by his uncles and grandparents. When Quincy and Tyler got home late Thursday night I couldn't believe how much older Quincy looked. My little baby is really more like a toddler now. He learned what red light, green lights are in the stoplight intersections. "Green means go!" He is always sure to remind us he knows what these lights mean. :o)


Wii are the Nelsons said...

the spaghetti almost looks like spray times

lindquist said...

He does clean up pretty nice though! Bet the bathtub ring was orange that night, huh?

Kati Howard said...

I don't think he took a bath... it was a shower. I have to constantly scrub our tub though, and it never looks that clean. Pathetic.