Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Today Quincy is exactly one month away from turning one years old! It's hard to believe how fast he has grown up. Quincy is active as ever. He loves to go outside and play in the yard and in our garden area-- especially with the rocks along the border of the garden. I'm glad he likes to do something that I like because I'm sure it won't be that much longer before he isn't interested in anything his mom does. In addition to his love for the outdoors Quincy also loves to read, which I believe he also gets from me. He has a book with Elmo and other Seseme Street characters in it. His favorite is turning to the Elmo page and listening to us make Elmo talk. He does a fake laugh and it's pretty cute.

He is a very smart boy and always interested in how things work, what will happen if he does something, and other curiousities. He loves to figure things out, especially by himself. He likes it when he finds our remotes and he pretends that he found them for us by handing them over-- reluctntly sometimes. He is recently fascinated with the stereo remote, which he has discovered that when he presses certain buttons on it it causes the stereo to get louder. Quincy is extremely independant! We can only hope that he'll use that independant spirit for the right reasons later in his life.

Quincy loves to take baths and play in the water. He likes going outside and playing with the water that comes out of the hose. He understands what the water sounds like and even points in the direction of it. Gesturing with grunting and an excited voice. He can wave bye bye and likes to wave bye bye to things in the house or us. He waved bye bye to the TV show when we turned it off the other day. Quincy loves to clap his hands and can clap them well in the song 'If You're Happy and You Know It.'

Quincy is also working on walking, though he is quite the professional at crawling. He has mastered how to pull up on things for a while and has just gotten brave enough to stand by himself for a while before sitting down. He even was brave enough to take a couple of steps by himself in his room last friday. Once he figures out this walking thing we'll really be getting into shape. :)

We are so lucky to have him in our lives. He makes us laugh, smile, and sometimes gasp with exhaustion, but we love him none the less. We can't imagine our family without him, he completes it. Quincy is strong, smart and loving...........and we hope that we can give him only the best in life.

Happy 11 Month Birthday Q!


Anonymous said...

Happy 11-months old Quincy!!! Do you guys have big plans for his birthday?

Kati Howard said...

Well all my family and Tyler's parents are going to come this way. I think we're going to raft the Boise river...BBQ, who knows what? I'm sure we'll do a cake and icecream though. Nothing too elaborate. And you guys?