Thursday, July 10, 2008

A good and bad day

Today has been a rough one-- to say the VERY least. Quincy's teeth must be bothering him because he's been refusing to nurse and even eat. It sort of worries me slightly, because we already had to deal with his weight loss last month. I wish he would eat so we don't have to worry about it more, geez-- his Doctor is going to think we're starving him, which we aren't. Tyler's playing bad cop and also informed me that I need to toughen up and not let him use his binky. He really doesn't use it much during the day, mostly before nap times and bedtime to settle down. It's easier for me to let him suck on it versus me. At any rate Quincy's in his room crying because Tyler won't give him a binky. It's sad, but I think that in the long run we'll be glad we rid him of it. I might disagree with the timing though-- seeing as how he's teething, but oh well. I definately don't want him to be one of those kids who's 2 or 5 and still sucking on a binky... not to mention all the damage they can cause to their teeth. Poor little guy, those teeth just need to come through.

On a posative note though Quincy and Tyler took a bath together. It was pretty cute and funny. Seeing as how we have a pretty standard small tub and how UNflexible Tyler is.... he had to get creative to get in there with Q. Although Tyler was mildly uncomfortable, Quicy was having the time of his life splashing Tyler ALOT with water! I guess that it was pay backs for all the countless times Tyler dumped a cup full of water on Q to wash off his shampoo. It was pretty funny. There was water everywhere.... but at least they had fun. Quincy was getting pretty brave and even standing up in the tub without holding onto the side, which made me nervous to say the least, but we were both right by him. He's been getting pretty brave about standing on his all we have to do it get him to take some solo steps. It will come. I hope that he's walking by his first birthday.

Even though right now isn't fun (listening to him scream bloody murder from his room) tomorrow will be a better day.... right?

How about any of you reading, any horror stories of teething or weening of the binky/ bottle? What worked best?


Wii are the Nelsons said...

Fun least the bath was funny. When I worked at day care, we froze teething rings for the kids to chew on when teething when we didn't have medicine for them. It helped since it was cold. With his binky, I would just hide it and only give it to him before sleeping only if he remembers it. This is just all things I've seen at daycare and they seemed to work. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Its so funny because everytime I read about Quincy, it totally reminds me of Savannah. We are going through the same thing at our house right now...I wrote about it on my blog.

Savannah is a bigtime thumb sucker. I have no words of advice on how to get rid of a binky but I'm thinking that the thumb will be an even harder to habit to break!

Kati Howard said...

Thanks Maryanne.... I've tried the teething ring and he hates it. He will bite or chew on anything BUT it.Sometimes I give him wet (clean)rags that I've stuck in the freezer....he'll suck or chew on those. Last night was a rough one as it was his first w/o the binky so hopefully tonight will be better. (Cross our fingers) Good luck with your little one! :)

lindquist said...


(When it's really hot I don't like to eat much, either. Especially warm things. Maybe you could whip up some breast milk smoothies for Q....)