Monday, June 16, 2008

Curious George

Since the weather's been so nice lately, we have been spending more time outside. Which Quincy LOVES! He really enjoys exploring the new environment and of course he loves to put all the new things in his mouth. Like he's demonstrating in these pictures, rocks are one of the many things he likes to put in his mouth. Oh and this is a rare time that he actually lets us keep his baseball hat on him.
Quincy also likes to "help" me in the garden. He's fascinated with the rock border and insists on taking each little rok out and displaying his collection in front of him. It's funny because when we try and put the rocks back he starts crying and getting mad that we're putting his new "treasures" away.
These are some pics of Quincy having fun in the raft that Tyler blew up yesterday. He especially liked to chew on the ore holder, above.
Today Quincy went to a doctor appointment. He has been losing weight and we can't get him to gain much. He has only gained two ounces in a month. The doctor told us that I should continue to nurse him after EVERYmeal on BOTH sides, which I have never done. Even when he was only breastfeeding he never ate that much. It's amazing that this kid hasn't gained weight. He eats SO much! Quincy seems to be enjoying the new 'Doctors Orders', although I have to say it's quite the change for me. We have a follow up appt. next Monday to see if he's gaining by then. If he isn't then we'll have to look at some other options. Since he was getting bored with his toys I brought out these pots and pans and he had a blast trying to bang the lids together and trying to figure out how to put the lid on right. He's so determined to figure it out by himself. Then after he had tried several times to get the lid on right he gave up and "helped" by washing to pans with his tongue!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, we have the same problem with Savannah. She has only gained 1 pound in 3 months. Our doctor said it was just because she was so active now. Its so crazy though!