Thursday, June 26, 2008

It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt

Quincy had lots of fun at his grandparents house. He loves that he can do anything he wants, which obviously includes taking out all the DVD's.
He's just "picking" out a movie.
So everything was going fine. Tyler worked in Parma most of the day...he got back to the house around 7:30PM....when he came home we ate some BBQ chicken. Last night was the final episode of the show "Farmer Picks a Wife" which I've been following since it first aired---I know it's hard to believe that I could become so addicted to it, but I was. It also happened to be the premiere of "Baby Borrowers". Tyler's dad was watching a baseball game upstairs so I started watching my show downstairs in the basement.
Halfway through the show I was talking to my mom on the phone when I heard Quincy screaming bloody murder. At first I thought he was just pooping-- I know gross that was my first thought, but sometimes when he poops they are kinda hard to pass and so he screams for a couple seconds. Well the screams continued and continued...finally I went upstairs and found Quincy hysterically crying on Tyler's lap. Apparently Tyler had accidentally smashed his finger in the rocking chair.
It was pretty bad because it was bleeding a little bit and bruised. He gave him some Tylenol, but nothing seemed to calm him down. Poor little guy was traumatized. He kept holding his finger to me as if to say: "Mama, kiss hurts." In the picture above he was clinging to his grandpa Kent and refused to look at Tyler. Ha ha-- poor Tyler, he felt SO bad...afterall it WAS an accident, but Quincy wasn't about to let him feel better about it.
Grandma Teesy gave him a band aid to put on he had finally calmed down. It's his ring finger. You can't really see how bad it looked. He's all better today, I'm sure he forgot all about it after a good night's sleep. It was sad though....


lindquist said...

Poor Q! (And Tyler.) Been there, done that. Ya, the car door is even worse!! Good blog heading. I love you Q! XOXO Grammie

Anonymous said...

The first picture reminds me so much of Savannah, again, crazy how they seem to like to do the same things.