Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Today Quincy slept in for father's day. I got up so Tyler didn't have to and when I walked through Quincy's door he was smiling from ear to ear and excitedly stomping his feet for me to take him out. We spent most of the morning relaxing and I made Tyler french toast for breakfast. Quincy even tried some, even though he wasn't supposed to. We all got to take some afternoon naps, which was nice. Tyler and Quincy sat out in the front yard under the tree. Quincy was playing in the raft which Tyler had blown up yesterday. There wasn't any water in it like yesterday, which he liked much more. Church was the usual....primary sucked...the kids were totally out of control, but hey what's new? The father's got some plain brownies out of a box...Tyler was a little bit disapointed since for mother's day the women got cadsburry chocolate candy bars. We are about to have dinner, fried chicken, homemade french fries, and green beans. And for dessert we'll have some lame brownies in some vanilla icecream with chocolate covered peanuts over top. I think that sounds pretty good. :)

I am so thankful for Tyler, he is a wonderful father to Quincy and a great example. I just wanted to give a little shout out to Tyler's dad and my dad for the many things they did for us. For their love, support, and sacrifices they made for as we grew up. It's no wonder that Tyler is a great father, he had a wonderful example to look up to. I am so lucky for my dad also....he has always treated my mom well and been a role model for my brothers. I love you dad! Happy Father's Day!
Unforunately I didn't have a picture of Quincy and Kent togehter, so we had to settle for one with his grandma too. And here's another with Quincy and my dad.


lindquist said...

Q must really love his grandpas.
He's a stud.
That bird feeder behind him looks like it's a china man's hat on his head!
Grandpa Loren

Anonymous said...

sounds like you guys had a great day! i know how you feel about primay!!!

Kati Howard said...

He does love his grandpas! And if I wuld've been on top of it I would have photo shopped that "china man" hat out. lol

Kati Howard said...

We did have a great day. Hopefully Steve was treated nicely. :) I'm sure he was. You're in primary too huh? I swear they put in EVERY young couple that moves into the ward. We hate it, but I guess we'll stay in until we love it. :) It always works that way.