Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New Camera?

So I was so proud of myself....BECAUSE Quincy is so mobile now it's really hard to catch him while he's doing something. By the time I get my camera he's no longer in the shot I wanted to get of him and he refuses to cooperate with posing. He acts like he has much more important things to do than pose for a picture. I told Tyler I wanted a new camera, one that can take action shots, but he told me I just needed to ANTICIPATE taking the if I don't know how to use my own camera. I told him that wasn't the problem, but that the camera had a delay in taking the picture even AFTER you pressed the button. He was just teasing me and ovbiously trying to avoid the subject of getting a new camera. So I try to get the best pictures, but 9 times out of 10 I can't get him in the act. SO I was happy about this picture because Quincy has recently learned how to "throw" a ball. He used to just roll it. I took the picture, and by sheer luck I actually got the ball in mid air. Pretty good huh? I still want a new camera though! :)

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